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Academic Activities

Lee, Joo Young

관리자   /   2023-07-11

 백윤정, 조가영, 홍유진, 이주영. (2022). 저온 유풍 환경 노출 시 구스다운 재킷과 폴리에스터 패딩 재킷 중 어느 재킷이 온열 생리·심리적으로 더 따뜻한가?. 한국생활환경학회지, 29(1), 16-29.

 주희영, 정다희, 노상현, 이민희, Syifa Salsabila, 임가영, 이혜린, 이초은, 문주현, 김규랑, 이주영. (2022). 여름철 서울과 부산 지역 습구흑구온도(WBGT)와 지역 거주자의 열스트레스 인지 및 체온조절 행동 간의 관련. 한국생활환경학회지, 29(2), 149-164.

 문주현, 노상현, 이주영. (2022). 전기차 탑승자용 국부 근접 복사 히터 개발을 위한 발열판의 최적 표면 온도 결정: 가온 면적, 인체 부위 및 체질량지수의 영향. 한국생활환경학회지, 29(3), 261-270.

 Ko Y, Jung JY, Kim HT, Lee JY* (2019)Auditory canal temperature measurement using a wearable device during sleep: comparisons with rectal temperatures at 6, 10 and 14 cm depths. Journal of Thermal Biology 85, 102410

 Roh SH, Ko Y, Lee JY* (2019)Physiological and subjective burden when wearing fire protective boots between 3.2 to 5.3 kg. Fashion & Textiles

 Baek YJ, Bae GT, Jung DH, Kim GR, Lee JY* (2019) Ageing Effects on Skin Hydration and Physio-Psychological Sweat Responses During Exercise and Rest in WBGT 27℃ and 32℃with High Humidity. Journal of The Korean Society of Living Environmental System 26(4), 492-506.

 Park J, Jung D, Ko Y, Choi YS, Hong BH, Lee JY* (2019)Surface temperature distribution of microwave reduced-graphene-oxide coated polyester fabric: Surface effects at room temperature. Fiber & Polymers 20(12), 2611-2617.

 Park J, Shin S, Park S, Lee JY* (2019) Changes of Physiological and Perceptual Responses after a 14day Cold-Interrupted Heat Exposure. Journal of The Korean Society of Living Environmental System 26(4), 573-583.

 Kim DH, Bae GT, Lee JY* (2019) A novel vest with dual functions for firefighters: combined effects of body cooling and cold fluid ingestion on the alleviation of heat strain. Industrial Health (E-pub).

 Jung JY, Ku PJ, Kim DH, Kwon MJ, Kang SW, Choi JY, Lee JY* (2019) Development of Firefighters’ Personal Protective Clothing with Nomex Honeycomb Fabric and its Protective and Comfort Evaluation. Fashion & Textile Research Journal 21(5), 606-617.

 Kim DH, Jung JY, Lee JY* (2019) Evaluation of Firefighter Turnout Gear Visibility in Smoke Obscuration and Flame Damage. Journal of The Korean Society of Living Environmental System 26(3), 358-373

 Baek YJ, Kim DH, Bang SH, Lee JY* (2019) Korean Firefighter Questionnaire to Improve the Test Methods of Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment. Journal of The Korean Society of Living Environmental System 26(3), 322-344.

 Park J, Heo KJ, Jung D, Ko Y, Lee JY* (2019) Validation of Wearable Blood Pressure Monitoring and Effects of Clothing Microclimate on Blood Pressure in the Hypertensive Elderly. Journal of The Korean Society of Living Environmental System 26(2), 239-253.

 Park JH*, Lee JY* (2019) Physiological and Psychological Effects of Wearing Winter Cap in Elderly Males. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles 43(3), 405-415.

 Kim DH, Jung JY, Kim DH, Lee JY* (2019) Effects of Wearing Nomex Body Cooling Garment inside Firefighting Protective Equipment on the Efficiency of Performance During Simulated Firefighters’ Tasks. Journal of The Korean Society of Living Environmental System 26(1), 9-24

 Park S, Roh SH, Lee JY* (2019) Body regional heat pain thresholds in young males using the method of limit and level. European Journal of Applied Physiology 119, 771-780.

 Park J, Shin S, Lee JY* (2019)Effects of alternating exposure to cold and heat for 14 days on cold tolerance in winter. Journal of Thermal Biology 79, 1-7.

 Park J*, Lee JY (2018) Comparison of behavioral thermoregulatory responses and self-identified heat toloerance in summer between males and females for developing guidelines related to heat wave. Journal of The Korean Society of Living Environmental System 25(6), 679-693.

 Kim S, Kim DH, Lee HH, Lee JY* (2018) Frequency of firefighters’ heat-related illness and its association with removing personal protective equipment and working hours. Industrial Health 57(3), 370-380.

 Jung D, Kim YB, Lee JB, Che Muhamed AM, Lee JY* (2018) Sweating distribution and active sweat glands on the scalp of young males in dry and humid environments. European Journal of Applied Physiology 118(12), 2655-2667.

 Park J*, Baek YJ, Roh SH, Lee JY (2018) Comparison of self-identified thermal tolerance and wearing habits in winter between the elderly males and female. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles 42(3), 530-543.

 Lee JY, Kang GH*, Jang YS,Kim YH, Choi HY, Kim JK, Kim MJ, Kyo Seo, Kim DH, Lee JY, Choi JY (2018) A Real Situation Experimental Study on The Thermal Protection Performance of Firefighter Clothes and Gloves. Journal of Korean Society for Imaging Science and Technology 21(1), 17-21 June 7th 2018

 JH Park, SY Cha, SJ Kim, JY Lee (2018) Daily variation in body temperature and heart rate of breath-holding women divers ‘Haenyeo’ in Jeju island. Journal of KSLES.

 Kim S, Lee JY* (2018) L-menthol attenuates the magnitude of cold-induced vasodilation on the extremities of young females. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 37:14, pp 1-8.

 Ko Y, Lee JY* (2018) Effects of feet warming using bed socks on sleep quality and thermoregulatory responses in a cool environment. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 37(1):13, doi: 10.1186/s40101-018-0172-z.

 Hyun CS, Noh SH, Kim DH, Son SY, Baek YJ, Kim GL, Lee JY * 2018) Comparison of the perception of summer heat wave and thermoregulatory behavior between adult males who live in Seoul and those in Daegu. Korean J Community Living Science, 29(1), 17-32

 Kim DH, Kim SY, Kim DH, Lee JY * (2018) International and Domestic Test Methods for Structural Firefighters’ Protective Equipment and their Implications. Journal of KSLES, 25(1), 20-42

 Lee JY *, Kim DH, Noh SH, Park JH, Kim DH(2018) Development of Hand Flame Manikin to Estimate Firefighters’ Hand Burn Injuries and the Flame Protection of Firefighters’ Gloves. Journal of KSLES, 25(1), 7-19.

 Baek YJ, Hwang SK, Lee HH, Park JH, Lee JY * (2018) Quantification of Thermal Insulation by Clothing Items and an Analysis of Influencing Factors. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 42(1) 172-182.

 Park J, Kim S, Kim DH, Cha S, Lee JY* (2017) Whole-body cold tolerance in older Korean female divers ‘Haenyeo’ during cold air exposure: Effects of repetitive cold exposure and ageing. International Journal of Biometeorology, doi: 10.1007/s00484-017-1463-5. [Epub ahead of print]

 Kim YB, Jung D, Park J, Lee JY* (2017) Sensitivity to cutaneous warm stimuli varies greatly in the human head. Journal of Thermal Biology, 69, 132-138

 Bae GT, Kim DH, Shin HY, Lee JY* (2017) Integrated test method by the evaluation of don-doff and mobility of old and newly-developed firefighting protective gloves. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 41(5), 950-965

 Roh SH, Hyun CS, Lee JY* (2017) Distribution of skin hydration on the hand while wearing latex gloves and inner gloves. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 41(5), 966-976

 Jung D, Kim SY, Sohn A, Jeon BY, Kim SY, Lee JY* (2017) Regional skin maximal elongation rate for applying E-textiles to tight-fit clothing. Korean J Community Living Science, 28(3), 365-375

 Lee HH, Kim S, Kim DH, Kim DH, Lee JY* (2017) Requirements of improvement on personal protective equipment and experiences exposed to accidently high risk circumstance while firefighting: a questionnaire study. Journal of KSLES 24(5), 549-561 (87)

 Shin S, Choi HH, Kim YB, Hong BH, Lee JY* (2017) Evaluation of heating protocols with graphene heated clothing in cold. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 29(6) 830-844

 Baek YJ, Jung D, Son SY, Lee JY* (2017) Comparisons between Shikoro-type helmet with no hood and typical fire protective helmets with hood in a hot and humid environment. Ergonomics 17:1-9 doi: 10.1080/00140139.2017.1353707.

 Lee JY*, Park J, Kim S (2017) Cold adaptation, ageing and Korean women divers ‘haenyeos'(Review). Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 36:33, 1-13

 Park JH, Jang YJ, Lee JY* (2017) Effects of contralateral hand immersion in hot water on physiological responses and subjective perceptions during finger cold-induced vasodilatation test. Journal of KSLES (In press)

 Kim D, Kim DH, Lee JY* (2017) Wear comfort of firefighters protective gloves in dry and wet conditions at 70oC air temperature with radiant heat. Journal of KSLES, 24(1): 95-106.

 Lee JY*, Park J, Koh ES, Cha SW (2017) Finger cold-induced vasodilation of older Korean women divers, haenyeos.: Effects of chronic cold exposure and ageing. International Journal of Biometeorology

 Lee HH, Shin SR, Kim YB, Park SJ, Lee JY* (2016) Evaluation of mobility and physiological performance while wearing the present Korean Navy summer uniform and prototype. Journal of KSLES, 23(6): 853-867

 Shin JH, Sim M, Lee JY, Shin DM* (2016) Lifestyle and geographic insights into the distinct gut microbiota in elderly women from two different geographic locations. Journal of Physiological Anthropology 35, 31

 Park SJ, Lee JY* (2016) Number of active sweat glands and its reliability in measurements using starch-iodine paper method. Journal of KSLES, 23(5): 659-667

 Lee HH, Shin SR, Lee JY* (2016) Design requirements by evaluating comfort while wearing Korean naval duty uniforms for summer and winter. Journal of Korean Society of Community Living Science, 27(3): 419-435

 Kim D, Lee IS, Lee JY* (2016) Mobility evaluation of popular firefighting protective gloves in domestic and foreign countries –Don/Doff test, Dexterity test, and Torque test-. Journal of KSCT, 40(5): 921-935.

 Jung D, Kim D, Park J, Lee JY* (2016) Greater body mass index is related to greater cold tolerance and greater insensible body mass loss. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 35(1)

 Kim D, Jung D, Park J, Lee JY* (2016) Thermoregulatory behavior and self-identified thermal tolerance of young males residing in urban area. Journal of Korean Society of Community Living Science, 27(2): 245-263.

 Lee JY*, Lee HH, Kim S, Jang YJ, Kang KY (2016) Diving bradycardia of elderly Korean women divers, Haenyeo, in cold seawater: a field report. Industrial Health, 54(2): 183-190

 Kim DH, Baek YJ, Lee JY* (2016). Contemporary research to standardize the development and test methods for performance of pesticide protective clothing Journal of KSLES 25(2): 185-205.

 Kim S, Lee JY* (2016) Development of firefighting performance test drills while wearing personal protective equipment. The Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Science and Engineering, 30(1): 138-148.

 Park H*, Hwang SK, Lee JY, Fan J, Jeong Y (2016) Impact of electrical heating on effective thermal insulation of a multi-layered winter clothing system for optimal heating efficiency. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 28(2): 254-264

Park JH, Lee JY* (2016)Relationships of self-identified cold tolerance and cold-induced vasodilation in the finger. International Journal of Biometeorology 60(4), 521-529. 

 Kim S, Lee JY* (2016) Skin sites to predict deep-body temperature while wearing firefighters’ personal protective equipment during periodical changes in air temperature. Ergonomics 59(4), 496-503.

 Ha JY, Jang YJ, Lee JY* (2015) Changes in cardiovascular and emotional responses of spectators while watching a figure skating star ‘Yuna Kim’s final performance in 2014 Winter Olympics. Journal of KSLES, 22(4): 572-582.

 Lee HH, Lee YR, Kim JE, Kim S, Lee JY* (2015) Evaluation of thermoregulatory properties of thermal underwears named as ‘heating underwear’ using thermal manikin and human performance test. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing Industry, 17(4): 658-666.

 Kim S, Lee JY* (2015) Skin sites to predict rectal temperature while wearing firefighters’ personal protective clothing during periodical changes in air temperature. Ergonomics (accepted on July 14, 2015)

 Shin S, Park JH, Lee JY* (2015) Does the hair influence heat extraction from the head during head cooling under heat stress? Industrial Health, 53: 533-541

 Lee JY*, Park JH, Park H, Coca A, Kim JH, Taylor NA, Son SY, Tochihara Y (2015) What do firefighters desire from the next generation of personal protective equipment? Outcomes from an international survey. Industrial Health, 53(5): 434-444

 Lee HH, Shin SR, Lee JY, Baek YJ * (2015) Survey on the actual wearing conditions of naval duty uniforms in naval vessels. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing Industry, 17(4): 646-656

 Lee HH, Kim S, Jang YJ, Ha JY, Kang GY, Kwon MS, Lee JY* (2015) The age-related changes in behavioral temperature regulation and thermal tolerance of the elderly Jeju Haenyeo: A questionnaire and a Local cold tolerance test. Journal of KSLES, 22(3): 477- 489.

 Park SJ, Ha JY, Lee JY* (2015) Network analysis and trends of articles in the Journal the Korean Society of Living Environmental System and Journal of Physiological Anthropology from 1994 to 2014. Journal of KSLES, 22(3): 1-10.

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